Test criteria:

  • motor test;
  • non-invasive;
  • instrumental testing
  • visual testing
  • public available



Physiological excercise tolerance

cumulative indicator of the animal’s physiological capabilities

Tolerance indicator are influenced by  various factors:

  • anatomy-morphological (a particular individual’s growth and weight ratio, muscle and subcutaneous fat ratio etc)
  • various body systems functional state (cardio-vascular system, respiratory system, locomotion system)
  • external factors (temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure)

Respiratory failure hypoxemia)

Inability of the external breathing apparatus to provide normal gas composition of arterial blood.

Hypoxemia is reduction of partial oxygen pressure LESS than 80 mmHg, saturation – less than 95%

Oxygen saturation (SpO2) is the percentage ratio of oxyhemoglobin amout to the total amount of hemoglobin in blood.

SpO2 = (HbO2 /HbO2 + Hb) x 100%

Test description

  • Exercise: distance — 3km
  • Gait — comfortable trot
  • Visually, nostrils condition and eyes were assessed, breathing was tested for stertor, and dogs were measured zootechnically
  • Pulsoxymeter to determine instrumental functional samples
  • Additional studies: heart ultrasonic, ECG, laryngo- and tracheoscopy.

General results

  • Total: 120 dogs
  • 6 groups  of  20 dogs
  • Succesfully: 92
  • Unsuccessfully: 28




Breed results

Test methodology

Test conditions: testing is carried out at a temperature range between 16-21 degrees Celsius and huminity 40-80%, in a room equipped with a  treadmill, or outdoors in a fenced yard with flat ground and minimal  external distraction (unfamiliar people, dogs, passing cars, etc.)

Tools: veterinary pulsoxymeter, stethoscope.

  1.  Initial selection of candidates for testing.
    1. Dogs of any breed over 12 months are allowed to be tested (this is due to age-related physiological features that may affect the standard interpretation of the results).
    2.  Sick and weak animals (animals under treatment or rehabilitation on the moment of test), as well as dogs with diagnosis preventing from physical activity, females in season, pregnant or whelping females are not allowed to pass the test.
  2. A certified specialist assesses the dog’s general condition (the dog should not be frightened or overexcited). He also makes identification (tatoo and/or chip).
  3. A visual inspection is carried out before the test begins. A certified specialist assesses the condition of the nostrils, eyes, listens to the breath for wheezing, and listens to the heart tones. With the help of a pulse oxymeter, the heart rate indicators and saturation levels are taken. The results are put into the test form.
  4. The test consists of three stages: the dog covers 1 km distance in a comfortable gait three times. While the test progresses, a certified specialist takes functional results (heart rate indicators, saturation), listens to the breath with a stethoscope for wheezing, and puts the results into the test form.
  5. If the results are seriously deviated from physiological norms at any stage of the test, the animal is removed from it, and the owner of the dog is recommended to undergo a veterinary examination for respiratory and/or cardiovascular pathologies (rhinoscopy, laryngoscopy, tracheoscopy, heart ultrasound, ECG tracing).

Reading the result

  1.  Saturation: Normal saturation – 99–96%. If it is below 95%, the test is stopped, and the dog is considered non-passed the test.
  2. Heart rate indicators: Pulse in rest 60–140 beats per minute, depending on breed, age and somatotype. After exercise it must increase no more than up to 200–220, but it shouldn’t decrease during the exercise. When getting heart rate indicator results above 220 or lower than relative at rest, the dog should be removed from the further stages of testing. The owner is recommended to consult a veterinary specialist.
  3. While carrying out the test, any drastic changes in the animal’s condition (serious mucous indulgence, limping, pronounced wheezing during breathing) are the reason to stop the test and to recommend veterinarian advice.

Test form


HIP dysplasia testing

Results of echocardiography






Results of tracheoscopy






Results of laryngoscopy










  • This test does not involve complex invasive procedures and does not require complex expensive equipment, so is available for mass implementation in any standard veterinary clinic. At the same time it gives objective result of the patient’s state when getting a dosed physical exercise
  • Test does not aim to make a diagnosis. It only helps to point out a dog’s serious health problems.
  • In fact this test is to evaluate a dog’s viability, since exercise level the animal gets during the test, should be almost invisible for a healthy dog.
  • This test can be considered a minimal dog’s behavior and socialization test.

Our research group is very grateful to dog breeders and owners who provided their animals for the study!  It is a very important mark that responsible breeders and  dog owners are interested in monitoring their animal’s health.

Ekaterina Domogotskaya